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les Dukes boy accusé de raciste

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les Dukes boy accusé de raciste Empty les Dukes boy accusé de raciste

Message  -ti-black- Mer 21 Mar 2007, 19:20

jai recus sa dans mon courier de la par de Ben Jones,si jai bien compris (mon anglais pas fort) le dukes fest serais accusé de raciste????

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NOTE: This is a somewhat lengthy personal appeal from Ben Jones. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read it.

Dear Friends,

The purpose of this letter is to let you know about the ongoing “Dukes’ controversy” in Cincinnati and to ask you to take a little action on behalf of America’s all-time favorite family show. “The Dukes of Hazzard” is being threatened by self-righteous elitists who have accused our show of being “racist”; an accusation that is false, disgusting, and an insult to everyone who has ever watched the show or shared it with their children. We cannot let this go down without standing up for what is true and right.

The facts as I know them: Tom Wopat and John Schneider are both world-class singers. They have sung often with symphonies, with “Pops” orchestras, and sung leads in Broadway musicals. (Not to mention their highly successful country and pop recording careers!) Having performed on several occasions with the renowned Cincinnati Pops, they were asked to do a show on July 14th which was to be “Dukes” themed. They agreed, were sent contracts, signed them and sent them back, and put the show on their schedules. Then they were informed about two weeks ago that the date had been cancelled because of accusations from the NAACP that the “Dukes of Hazzard” had “racist overtones.”

Some of you may know that I started my political career during the Civil Rights Movement, trying to bring equality and justice to all, and making the American Dream of equal opportunity a reality. And I have seen so much progress, and understanding, and genuine brotherhood evolve in our beloved South. There is much still to be done, but this progress has come from our hearts as we try to live in the mutual respect in which The Good Lord intended his children to live. To be accused of something as harsh as racism because of my work with the Dukes of Hazzard is a stunning attack on my character and my personal history of commitment to social justice. It hurts.

But of course it goes beyond that. For almost thirty years now our show has been bringing people together for a good, positive, clean hour of programming that has been shared by families in over fifty countries. It is one of the few shows that is completely colorblind. There simply was no racism in Hazzard. That’s the way the world should be!

Not only did the NAACP made this charge, but the Cincinnati Pops then accepted that baloney without question and without considering the feeling of tens of millions of Americans who disagree with this nonsense. The Pops caved in to this misguided political pressure, removed two great singers from the stage, and deprived their audience of a wonderful and uplifting performance. To me, as an artist, this is kind of a “politically correct” fascism, where a false charge leads to censorship based upon one group’s political bias.

This is where it stands. The “Pops” through their spokesperson has said that they will have John and Tom back some other time. I don’t know how the boys feel about that, but I don’t think I’d get near that stage without a very serious and public apology for the accusations they have made about our work and by implication, our characters. And the NAACP has managed to take a wonderfully benign show and make it a divisive issue, which I don’t believe serves any good purpose. It certainly does not foster understanding and fellowship.

I am a Son of the South. I am of mixed heritage. One branch of my mama’s family was listed for decades on the census simply as “non-white.” I am also 1/8 Tuscarora. I am also of Welsh, Irish, French, and perhaps Jewish blood. I am a Heinz 57, like a whole lot of folks. My southern ancestors did not own slaves. That is true of 93% of those who served in the Confederate Army. The Civil War was the crucible of American History. Those of us who study it know that everything which led up to Fort Sumter was seemingly inevitable and that everything after it has been affected by it. I have been criticized by some in the “Southern Heritage” movement for saying that the South was on the wrong side of history, and that the War ended the right way for America. But I revere and honor my ancestors who were a part of the Southern effort. And we, the descendants of the Confederacy, will never, ever, be ashamed of our heritage.

And as a Son of the South I also know of the terrible legacy of human slavery. African-Americans have been denied so many things for so very long that many of them feel that they are not playing on a level field and that the starting line for them is further from the finish. And the realities of that past are ever present. For example, if you are carrying a dollar bill in your pocket, you are carrying a picture of Virginia’s largest slave-owner of the late 18th Century. Yep, Mr. Washington, the “Father of Our Country.” Now, no one is denying Mr. Washington’s greatness, and no one is throwing all their dollar bills away!

My point is that symbols mean different things to different people at different times. If a handful of half-wit bigots want to go out in a field dressed up in bed sheets and then desecrate the Christian Cross, the American Flag, and the Confederate Battle Flag, the Constitution says they have the right to that expression. But they do not represent Christians, they do not represent Americans, they do not represent the millions of descendants of the Confederacy, and they do not represent those of us who sleep on bed sheets. I hope I’ve made my point.

Maybe there is a blessing in this situation. Maybe this is the point at which we can build a bridge of understanding about these things. Our show proved that the use of the Battle Flag wasn’t just the province of the “haters”. It flies with respect and reverence throughout America’s battlefields, at Civil War re-enactments, in homes and in meetings of Heritage groups, and in shops and bookstores all over the world. There are millions of displays of the flag which are positive. The only folks who think it is a symbol of “hate” are the politically correct crowd, some in the media and academia, and those boneheads out in the pasture in their bed sheets. Maybe the rest of us can dedicate ourselves to the education of this bunch!

Thanks for staying through this long letter. I know I can get long-winded when I’m up “on my soapbox”. But this is important, for the future of the Dukes, and for the building of a dialogue about brotherhood in America. We are good people, well-meaning and good-hearted. Here’s how I think we can make a difference:

Please call (513-621-1919), write, or e-mail (at cincinnatisymphony.org) the Cincinnati Symphony and express your feelings about the “Dukes” and what the show means to you and your family. If possible, please don’t get upset and please do not use abusive or divisive language. Just speak to them from your heart and from your memories. Ask them to reevaluate their ill-considered decision. Be firm, be polite, and be as honest as Uncle Jesse.

And please forward this letter to your lists. The internet is a powerful voice for the voiceless. We must let them know that this time, they have gone too far. I know that this letter has been kind of personal, but you know, I take this issue personally. And I believe that America is still a place where the voice of the people can be heard.

God Bless Y’all, and God Bless America!

Yours truly,


Dernière édition par le Jeu 22 Mar 2007, 19:12, édité 1 fois


Masculin Nombre de messages : 390
Date d'inscription : 29/07/2005

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les Dukes boy accusé de raciste Empty Re: les Dukes boy accusé de raciste

Message  reghoule Jeu 22 Mar 2007, 00:22

L'Affaire de Cincinnati, c'est plutot un spectacle qui mettait en vedette Tom Wopat et John Schneider, Bo et Luke Duke pour les non initiés lol, et le spectacle a été annulé a cause de leur connection avec The Dukes of HAzzard qui selon certains, transmettait un message raciste a cause du General Lee et de son drapeau confédéré.

Franchement, voir si les Dukes c'Est racistes. Ben Jones s'Est dit outré de la situation et je le comprend parfaitement. LEs Dukes étaient tout sauf raciste...un peu comme les conneries d'Accomodement raisonnable.

Y'en a vraiment qui ont du temps à perdre, car John et Tom, à ce que j'ai lu, sont 2 personnes vraiment symapathiques qui se donnent cors et ames à leur fan, mais bon ça a l'Air que ce n'est pas tout le monde qui le voit de cet oeil Thumb down

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Message  Greaser Jeu 22 Mar 2007, 07:12

Le drapeau confédéré a toujours été une patate chaude....

Ceux qui voit un symbole raciste en ce drapeau sont des gens très mal informés qui ont probablement simplement vu se symbole sur des membres du Klu Klux Klan.

Les gens du sud ont une culture et mentalité différente des gens du nord et je pense qu'ils ont le droit de garder des symboles historique...
Nous même au Quebec on bradit plus souvent notre drapeau que n'importe quel autre province et pratiquement jamais celui du Canada et cela est parfois percu comme un geste de "séparatiste" alors que c'est simplement une symbole de fierté de sa "différence"

J'aime bien le "Rebel flag", pour moi il represente tout le "bon coté" du sud, dont beaucoup d'élément d'afro-américains provenant de cette région.

D'ailleur j'ai déjà vu sur certaines voitures de police des états du sud qui n'ont pas de plaque d'immatriculation a l'avant porté une plaque du "dixie flag" .

C'est un peu comme la Maltese cross de West coast choopers, certain sont idignés de ce symbole car il était celui aussi de la Luftwaffe et se retrouvait sur les avions lors du régime nazi (et encore aujourd'hui)
Pourtant cette crois représente des vertue et valeurs chrétienne qui date de l'époque médiévale!
Kustom Kemper
Kustom Kemper

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Date d'inscription : 16/02/2005
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Message  -ti-black- Jeu 22 Mar 2007, 09:45

je suis bien daccord avec vous deux salut


Masculin Nombre de messages : 390
Date d'inscription : 29/07/2005

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les Dukes boy accusé de raciste Empty Re: les Dukes boy accusé de raciste

Message  Greaser Ven 23 Mar 2007, 09:45

les Dukes boy accusé de raciste GeorgiaSP12_MerrittLong.jpg_full_t2e0i6aj0d

Voici un exemple de plaque avant des véhicule de police d'état de la Georgie (Discontinué en 2001).
Kustom Kemper
Kustom Kemper

Ville/Région : Mourrial
Masculin Nombre de messages : 1827
Date d'inscription : 16/02/2005
Voiture(s) : Buick Super 1958 4dr ht

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les Dukes boy accusé de raciste Empty Re: les Dukes boy accusé de raciste

Message  427copoz Ven 23 Mar 2007, 09:53

Je n'était pas collectionneur mais collecteur

Je me permet d'écrire sur ce forum parce que j'en suis un des batisseurs
o7 Leader :  Wardog Org ..i..

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Message  Fanamc Ven 23 Mar 2007, 15:31

Ce drapeaux n`a rien à voir avec l`esclavage, pas plus que la guerre civil américaine d`ailleur, ce n`est qu`à la fin de la guerre que sous pression, Lincoln a décidé d`abolir l`esclavage. Mais cette guerre avait comme cause quelque chose de complêtement différent. D`ailleur ce drapeaux flotte au dessus de la ville d`Atlanta, ville a majorité noir Wink

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les Dukes boy accusé de raciste Empty Re: les Dukes boy accusé de raciste

Message  Dom Ven 23 Mar 2007, 18:04

J'ai une réplique de la plaque de Smokey and the Bandit pour mettre sur ma T/A et elle est comme celle de la voiture de police Wink

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les Dukes boy accusé de raciste Empty Re: les Dukes boy accusé de raciste

Message  -ti-black- Ven 23 Mar 2007, 18:25

y a til quelqu'un qui pourrais me dire la definition de redneck ,je voie sa souvent mais pour moi ''cou rouge'' veux rien dire scratch loll


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Date d'inscription : 29/07/2005

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les Dukes boy accusé de raciste Empty Re: les Dukes boy accusé de raciste

Message  Dom Ven 23 Mar 2007, 18:32

C'est un terme pour désigner les américains sudiste.

Le stéréotype que tout le monde a deux = red neck !

Ville/Région : Rive-Sud de Montréal
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Date d'inscription : 23/04/2005
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les Dukes boy accusé de raciste Empty Re: les Dukes boy accusé de raciste

Message  427copoz Ven 23 Mar 2007, 18:41


The best-known of all Confederate flags—the battle flag—is often erroneously confused with the national flag of the Confederacy.
The battle flag features the cross of St. Andrew (the apostle was martyred by being crucified on an X-shaped cross), and is commonly called the "Southern Cross."
A large degree of the Southern population was of Scottish and Scotch-Irish ancestry, and thus familiar with St. Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland. The stars represented the eleven states actually in the Confederacy, plus Kentucky and Missouri. This flag is the flap popularly associated with Robert E. Lee, and is the flag under which he fought.



Je n'était pas collectionneur mais collecteur

Je me permet d'écrire sur ce forum parce que j'en suis un des batisseurs
o7 Leader :  Wardog Org ..i..

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Date d'inscription : 17/09/2004

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Message  Charger69 Dim 25 Mar 2007, 12:01

De toute façon, quiconque a déjà écouter l'émission sait qu'il n'y a rien de raciste dedans.

Le drapeau sur le char de polece était celui de la Georgie c'est donc normal de le voir la. Personne n'a jamais été offensé de mon char à cause du drapeau mais quelque personnes m'en ont parler.

Je leur ai expliqué ce que ca représente pour moi et les gens du sud mais certaines personnes ne veulent rien savoir...

The South Will Rise Again


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les Dukes boy accusé de raciste Empty Re: les Dukes boy accusé de raciste

Message  427copoz Dim 25 Mar 2007, 12:30



y a til quelqu'un qui pourrais me dire la definition de redneck ,je voie sa souvent mais pour moi ''cou rouge'' veux rien dire loll


sa date de loin study


Je n'était pas collectionneur mais collecteur

Je me permet d'écrire sur ce forum parce que j'en suis un des batisseurs
o7 Leader :  Wardog Org ..i..

Masculin Nombre de messages : 21172
Date d'inscription : 17/09/2004

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Message  Greaser Lun 26 Mar 2007, 06:19

ca aussi Redneck c'est pas vraiment le terme exact pour les gens de cette région.

De la Virginie a la Georgie, c'est montaneux dans la appalaches ont dit plutot des Hillbilly...

Redneck c'est pour les regions plus agricole et a relief plat.
Kustom Kemper
Kustom Kemper

Ville/Région : Mourrial
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Date d'inscription : 16/02/2005
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