La date/heure actuelle est Dim 19 Mai 2024, 12:27

2 résultats trouvés pour 1035

Une Tucker (#1035) en mauvais état trouvée au brésil (barn find).

cam90 a écrit:the original Tucker flat six boxer engine, Serial No. 335048, still survived, and was repurposed as a speedboat motor, and is today, still owned by a private collector, who unfortunately, stated firmly that they have no intention of selling and or donating the engine so that Car #1035 can be properly restored."

ça c'est poche quand tu sais que le moteur existe encore...
par jake
le Sam 26 Aoû 2023, 16:51
Rechercher dans: Sujets d'autos divers
Sujet: Une Tucker (#1035) en mauvais état trouvée au brésil (barn find).
Réponses: 12
Vues: 100

Une Tucker (#1035) en mauvais état trouvée au brésil (barn find).

J'ai finalement trouver des infos......

"Car #1035 was sold by the Tucker Corporation as a Factory Demonstrator to the Brazilian Tucker Factory Dealership Franchise owned by Jamie Gatamianis of São Paulo, Brazil, in September of 1948 for $5000 - here you can see a handwritten note next to Car #1035 "Sold. Gatamianis, Brazil" on the factory inventory list of all the cars.
So this Tucker was never lost or unaccounted for, just in limbo, as it spent 30 years locked inside the abandoned the Museum of Antiquities Mechanical Paulista in Caçapava, before finally being recovered by the Brazilian Government in 2011, and is now on display at a public museum.

Sadly, Car #1035 has been completely destroyed over the years, only its original body shell remains, the original chassis and rear engine and full interior were cut out, and replaced with a front engine, RWD 1947 Cadillac with the Cadillac interior. The former rear engine bay had a steel plate crudely welded over it to turn it into a trunk. The Cadillac V8 engine is also currently missing from the car, however the original Tucker flat six boxer engine, Serial No. 335048, still survived, and was repurposed as a speedboat motor, and is today, still owned by a private collector, who unfortunately, stated firmly that they have no intention of selling and or donating the engine so that Car #1035 can be properly restored."

Tag 1035 sur Tribune Auto Sao_pa10

Mr. Green
par cam90
le Dim 20 Aoû 2023, 12:38
Rechercher dans: Sujets d'autos divers
Sujet: Une Tucker (#1035) en mauvais état trouvée au brésil (barn find).
Réponses: 12
Vues: 100

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